Hunting Blesbuck

Hunting Blesbuck

Blesbuck are very similar to the Bontebok, however the Blesbuck is a more common species.
Species : Blesbuck
Scientific Name : Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi
Average Mass : 55kg
Avg Shoulder Height : 92cm

Blesbuck are very similar to the Bontebok, however, the Blesbuck is a more common species. Two species of Blesbuck are found in South Africa, the Common (Brown) and the White.

Blesbuck enjoys a terrain of grass plains with some cover. They are more active late afternoon and early morning. They often walk in single file when moving for feeding and drinking. The male is slightly larger than the female and its horns are thicker.
The recommended calibre is .308, 30-06, or a 270.

Hunting Trophy Blesbuck

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